New year, new travel wish list

This year, I’m dreaming of Argentina, Italy, France, South Africa and the Azores.  Like most travelers, my list is so long that listing the places I’d rather NOT see would be simpler.  Curiously, Lithuania is on my list, too.

Sometimes I try to figure out exactly what is IS about travel that I love.  Escapism?  Vacation?  Anonymity?  Adventure?  Freedom?  What I can say for certain is that I feel the most alive and engaged with the world when I’m traveling.  It’s like my senses are sharpened.  I see better.  I am more aware.  My nose picks up smells (good and bad I’m afraid) that are foreign to me.  I’m in-the-moment.  I appreciate simple things like a cup of coffee or a train ride.  And so, it’s time to start planning my 2018 adventures.



Street art – a travelers visual diary / part 1

Wherever I go, I scan for street art to get a feel for the place.  You can never learn from a guidebook or website the kind of heart & soul info you get from graffiti & street art.  Part 1 of my visual travel diary below…

Detroit, MI – perfect word choice for a city in the middle of a huge revitalization

Salamanca, Spain – feelin’ the love!

Madrid, Spain – “love what you do”

Hip kicks in Florence, Italy 

To be continued…

Spring things

Cherry trees blossoming are one of the best things about the season.  More spring things to love…

  • Morel mushrooms.
  • Longer daylight hours.
  • Grass so green it looks unnatural.
  • Inside out neighborhoods. During winter everyone is indoors.  Now people are gardening, walking, biking, chatting, etc.  
  • A spring rain. 
  • Sound of the first lawnmower of the season. 
  • Tulips. 
  • The smell of a bbq grill.  
  • Thunder. 

Welcome back, Spring.  It’s been awhile & I missed you. 

Fly girl

March was my busiest travel month so far in 2017.  For me, that’s a good thing.  Seeing the world from a plane is one of my happiest views.  Everything below becomes mini & manageable.  Zooming out keeps my perspective macro.  Forces me out of the over-analyzing I’m prone to sometimes.  Ironically, that sky view keeps me grounded.

Some of my best ideas & insights have come to me while zipping through the atmosphere at 500 mph and looking out the airplane window.  Wanted to share a few of my favorite moments…happy travels!


Feeling lucky

LuckyMaybe it’s all the traveling I’ve been doing lately.  Possibly it’s my freshly cleaned house.  Definitely it’s all the amazing friendship and support I have in my life.  And it could be because it’s a spring Sunday.

Whatever the reason, I’m centered, optimistic and inspired.  Lucky to be healthy and happy and zipping around this planet.  Feeling flush with appreciation for all the good stuff in my world, it’s a fresh season and I love that.

There’s even a strange alchemy happening with “bad stuff”.  For example, I missed out on an opportunity I thought I really wanted.  Within a couple days, I was startled to realize that not getting it was a relief.  It only had short term advantages and could have unnecessarily detoured me from my dearest, most treasured goal.  It’s like the universe played 3 card monte with me.  Instead of leaving me high & dry, though, it left me with renewed appreciation and focus on what matters most to me.  High five for that!

Feeling like I’m at the start of a fantastic new adventure and I’m liking it.  Wishing the same for you!

Fortune cat

Feeling as happy as this Fortune Cat!